ECC approves RS 5 billion supplementary grant for flood relief efforts


flood in pakistan

Pakistan is under flood due to heavy rainfall, peoples are in trouble heavy monsoon rains killed almost 550 people, governmentand armed forces doing their best to rescue they set up aid and relief camp they are doing their best to relocate people’s, Baluchistan among the hardest hit.

ECC grant for people’s

As the flash floods inundate many part of country the economic coordination committee of the federal government on Saturday announced RS 5 billion for relief and rescue activities all over the country specially in Baluchistan province.

Moreover, the prime minister of Pakistan Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif instructs zarai taraqiati bank limited (ZTBL) to review the possibility of rescheduling the loans obtained by the flood effected communities.

Ministry of finance

finance minister

According to statement issued from ministry of finance, ECC approved technical supplementary grant of 5 billion PKR for NDMA for rescue, relief and compensation for death, injuries of effected peoples from flood. Ministry further added this is supplementary grant which will not have an additional burden on Budget. Pakistan finance minister had a meeting with ECC, wherein he also appealed to business community to help people’s.

The ECC was also informed that the PM had directed the NDMA to reach out to the affected people, but the authority argued that it did not have enough fiscal space for granting “ex-gratia compensation to all of the affected people”.

Prime minister of Pakistan also instructs to finance minister to review possibility of differing and rescheduling the ZTBL loans for at least 1 year, the final decision will be taken by the Ministry of Finance in consultation with the ZTBL management.

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