UAE to invest $1billions in Pakistan


pm shahbaz

State news agency (WAM) reported that UnitedArab Emirates will invest $1 billion in Pakistani companies across different sector, this announcement will help economy to boost, the United Arab Emirates is agreeing to give full cooperation in different sector.

UAE investment in various sector and its positivity

 UAE  keen to continue cooperation with Pakistan in various different fields including energy infrastructure، renewable energy, health care,  as per news agency this will help in revive  sentiments of investor in Pakistan which has been beset  dwindling foreign exchange reserves as well as a depreciating rupee. Announcement made by UAE on Friday due to this announcement sentiments of investor improved and stock market gain 670 points on Friday, initially it was struggling and continuously it was decreasing since 2 months.

Pakistan economy is struggling

Pakistan economy is struggling since couple of months $ was continuously upward stock market was losing its point investor was not happy but since couple of day $ moved in downward direction stock market is gaining its point pakistan rupees is getting strong and IMF is likely to start process for releasing the seventh and eighth tranches of a loan program for Pakistan later this week, IMF and diplomatic sources told Dawn.


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