Dengue began to raise in Punjab, CM ire


dengue virus

Dengue is viral infection transmitted to humans thorough the bite of infected mosquitos. The virus which cause dengue is called dengue virus (DENV). There are four DENV serotypes and it is possible to be infected four times.  Dengue is cause of seriousness illness and may be death, it is very harmful for human, this virus normally found in Asia and Latin American countries.

Poor performance of dengue administration

As the dengue continue to rise in Punjab with fresh spell of monsoon the CM of Punjab ire on administration for not taking necessary precaution to prevent people's from this virus, CM Punjab issue warning to staff of four district for bad administration.

Performance reviewed by CM


CM Punjab reviewed performance of administration for fight against dengue, CM Punjab Hamza Shahbaz said any negligence will not bear and it will not have tolerated as it relates to human lives.

Anti-dengue campaign

In a meeting with authorities CM Punjab instruct authorities to start anti dengue campaign to safe live of people's. He further instructs to authorities to overcome their short comings, The CM ordered to constitute monitoring committees at the level of union councils for the eradication of dengue. He also warned that he will take disciplinary action against officer if any officer show negligence to fight against dengue. Deputy commissioner will visit to field in every district to monitor dengue campaign. May the lives of all human beings become more painless; he stated and prayed that may Allah Almighty also bless him and his political and administrative team members with the opportunities to lessen the sufferings of the people in need,” the CM prayed.

Treatment of DENGUE

Normally there is no treatment for dengue early detection is good for treatment, coordinate with doctor if you notice early symptom and access to proper medical care lower death rate of severe dengue to almost 1% may be below from 1%

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